
Showing posts from November, 2020

Savings account

I don’t know about your country, but on savings accounts at banks in my country of residence there is no interest to speak of. There is an alternative though, online services such as TellerBack, where you earn an interest daily on the money in your savings account. Best of all, they give you the opportunity to get a few bucks for free to earn interest from. Myself I gathered $7 USD right after joining through their Bonus program and more can be earned for doing activities such as posting on forums. And you also get $1 USD straight into your saving account for each referral. As far as I can see there is no requirement to make your own deposit, so why not get the account and get all the free money you can, then just let it sit and tick away?

Facebook Crypto

Funny thing happened. Facebook is behind the new crypto currency Libra which is being launched right now, but I’m not allowed to post a link to a Libra website. Apparently their own crypto violates the community rules. Although I’m not really liking the way Libra is set up, only a handful people have access to the core and it’s anything but decentralized, it may be a good idea to get in early and reap the benefits as they come. Don’t miss out on Big.Byte.Block, read more in the Questionnaire post. I really hope you’re joining me securing your own early bird crypto, the quest for future wealth is very much on!


Sometimes you want to earn a little more a whole lot faster like I did this weekend. I needed to get an additional 15 bucks to use for an investment so I took a few surveys, some of the faucets and PTC sites have offerwalls with extra ways of earning money like taking surveys. It took a little work to get the funds, but it was quite doable. Surveys pay a whole lot more than tapping the faucet or clicking ads. The two sites/programs I used for this purpose and withdrew the funds to FaucetPay at were: Cointiply at and CoinPayU at Now, for what investment did I need those 15 bucks? Well, we’re back to Big.Byte.Block (BBB) where it will buy me 5 more node blocks and when they reach maturity two things will happen, I will have turned $15 into $60 and also have 5 BBB coins ready at Waves Exchange. A quarter of those $60 I will withdraw, you should always get your principa

Hair of the doge

Bitcoin is at it’s strongest ever, worth more than $15,000 USD, and it may be tempting to invest in Bitcoin (BTC). However this is the absolutely wrong time to begin investing in BTC, you should aim your focus at some other crypto currency that is not as strong and build a solid foundation with this one instead. Later when BTC has dropped, and it will in time, you can use the funds from the other currency to invest and await the next rise. One crypto currency that has caught my attention lately is Dogecoin (DOGE), 1 DOGE equals $0.002 USD and is easily obtained. Since you should never invest money you can’t afford to lose and as I am in the process of finding ways for those who are without funds to get going with crypto I have located some sites where you can earn free DOGE rather quickly. First though, you will need a wallet or two to hold your funds and also to have them withdrawn to so you can use them to invest. Most free earning sites give you the possibility


Get a shitload of Dogecoin without even breaking a sweat at CryptoTrAds. I have claimed and gotten paid directly to FaucetPay over 4 Doge in a single day and I'm not even done yet. CryptoTrAds FaucetPay

Ground floor

This is a ground floor opportunity not to be missed. Or you can miss and then kick yourself just like you have been doing for not getting in with Bitcoin early, those who did are quite weakthy today. All you have to do really is sign up and get your free node blocked for you and then re-invest in more nodes as the first one matures, there will be enough to get another 4 with those earnings and as they mature you can get another 16 and so on. Or you can use some of the earnings from these free sites to invest. Each new node is $2.96 USD and matures into $11.85


Back to putting the free money to work. At FaucetPay I had since the last withdrawal amassed just over 16,000 satoshis when I decided to take advantage of Bitcoin being as strong as it is, 1 bitcoin is worth almost $13,400 USD, and swap for a slightly weaker currency. Since I was doing Dogecoin already I went with this one and landed me 820 Doge in the swap. These 820 I divided between 2 mining operations. I put 500 Doge into the same as the one before, DefMine, and 300 Doge went into Cryptofarmine which isn’t really a miner but rather a HYIP where these 300 Doge will earn 2.4% daily. This isn’t much really, but it’s a lot better than a savings account in a bank and I will re-invest the earnings continually to increase my capital. DefMine however is a proper miner and here I now have 64 GH/s hash power instead of the 10 GH/s you get for free on signup. As soon as I have earned my principal back (515 Doge) I will retrieve it and let the account fill up on it's o


No, I’m not playing the crappiest game with the worst graphics I have seen since the seventies. Actually even then the graphics were better. It’s all about crypto mining. Bitcoin is not the only crypto currency around, there are a lot more. I’m guessing there are around 3.000 or so different crypto currencies around and more are arriving continously. One of the more established are Dogecoin and of course I have been tapping faucets and paid-to-click (PTC) sites for those too. I have signed up with a few miners as well for this currency and have just made my first purchase in one of those with free Dogecoins gathered, see further down for sources. Most mining operations require that you make a purchase of additional hash power, an upgrade if you will, to be able to withdraw earnings even though many of them give you a basic mining contract when you join. The first Doge one to get upgraded is DefMine where I in two weeks only have earned 34 Doge. The minimum amount fo


After a couple of weeks clicking away in all kinds of faucets and paid-to-click (PTC) programs I have managed to gather little over $20 USD in Bitcoin in my wallet and am ready to make the initial investments. Remember, never invest money you can’t afford to lose. This is why I have gone this way, claiming free bits, to show people without funds to invest that it can be done starting with nothing. It just takes a little longer and it’s a lot of work, but it can be done. For investing I have chosen to use a combination of high yield investment programs (HYIP) and mining operations to begin with, I will diversify more in time. HYIP’s are always risky, you can make one hell of a profit but you can also lose your investments. $7 USD invested at Wildo Profit at a daily return of 12% indefinitely and referral commissions in 4 levels (25% – 15% – 10% – 5%), $7 USD invested at Oil Super Gold